Cartoon image of me from

Chloe N Anderson

I'm a Product Designer with a passion for making the world a better place, one product at a time.


About Me as a Designer!

Design Skills:

  • Web Design
  • Rebranding
  • Physical Prototyping
  • User Research
  • User Research

case studies

A Little Bit (more) About Me!

I graduated with Highest Distinction from Indiana University - Bloomington with a degree in Informatics with a minor in Human-Centered Computing.

I've lived in Illinois (Chicago), Northern Italy, Northern & Southern Indiana, and Northern and Southern Washington.

Hobbies include: sewing, embroidering, running, hiking, camping, reading, and hanging out at coffee shops.

My favorite font is always changing but is currently...

My favorite color is also always changing but is currently dark green like the footer below.

I play the violin and piano. My favorite orchestra piece is The Hebrides (Fingal's Cave) by Mendelssohn - I love how he's able to describe a cave through music.